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World Blood Donor Day

World Blood Donor Day

Every year countries around the world celebrate World Blood Donor Day (WBDD). The event serves to raise awareness of the need for safe blood and blood products and to thank voluntary, unpaid blood donors for their life-saving gifts of blood.

A blood service that gives patients access to safe blood and blood products in sufficient quantity is a key component of an effective health system. The global theme of World Blood Donor Day changes each year in recognition of the selfless individuals who donate their blood for people unknown to them.

They save millions of lives and improve the health and quality of life of many patients every day. The need for safe blood is universal, but access to that blood for all those who need is not. Blood shortages are particularly acute specially in developing countries.

To ensure that affordability of safe blood has access to, all countries need voluntary, unpaid donors who give blood regularly. Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, despite limited mobility and other challenges, blood donors in many countries have continued to donate blood and plasma to patients who need transfusion. This extraordinary effort during a time of unprecedented crisis highlights the crucial role of well-organized, committed voluntary, non-remunerated blood donors in ensuring a safe and sufficient blood supply during normal and emergency times.

The specific objectives of this year’s campaign are to:

thank blood donors in the world and create wider public awareness of the need for regular, unpaid blood donation;

promote the community values of blood donation in enhancing community solidarity and social cohesion;

encourage youth to embrace the humanitarian call to donate blood and inspire others to do the same;

celebrate the potential of youth as partners in promoting health

Ref: www.who.int

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